League Rules & Regulations
1. INTRODUCTION: Gleneagles Men’s Night, is a twelve-person team men’s golf league.
1.1 The NUMBER ONE RULE is PLAY FAST! Be Ready to Hit! Keep it moving. The Rules Committee reserves any right to assess penalties, make foursomes skip holes, or remove slow players from the course for the rest of that day’s league play.
1.2 The League will play on Monday’s or Thursday’s depending on which league you are registered for. Beginning April 18, 2024 at The Links of Gleneagles. This start time will change based off the sunset and each night will be a crossover, although some nights we are forced to do a shotgun.
2. League Officers:
Monday League Coordinator - Riley ([email protected]).
Thursday League Coordinator - Austin ([email protected])
2.1 (a) The League Coordinator’s duties will include: Setting and distributing a schedule for League play; Recording and distributing accurate results of league play; Maintaining and updating League handicaps, standings, rules, and records.
3.1 The Rules Committee will be made up of all golf professionals that are employed at The Links of Gleneagles.
3.2 The Rules Committee can make league and local rules pertaining to league play at anytime including but not limited to matters which affect points, standings, rule interpretation, etc. All league disputes, violations, and penalties, are subject to review by the Rules Committee.
3.3 The committee may consult any outside party including but not limited to the parties involved, and any witnesses.
3.4 The League Coordinator’s reserve the right to remove any participants from the league for the duration of the season without refunding any men’s night fees regarding any incidents including but not limited to misconduct or rules violations.
3.5 Decisions made by the Rules Committee and League Coordinators are final.
4.1 League Competition - 16 weeks of Regular Season and 4 weeks of Playoffs (weather pending).
4.2 League Scoring System. There are 12 teams comprised of 12 players that will play against the feild each week. In an own ball format, the 2 low gross and 4 low net scores will contribute to your team score each week and you will be designated points based on how your team does against the feild of teams.
If your team does not have at least 6 participants on a given night, you will forfeit that weeks match but are still eligible for individual prizes.
4.3 Holiday Dates will be a “play-it-by-ear” scenario to see if Men’s Night members are permitted to golf Gleneagles at their special rate. No official league play will occur on these nights, but if your league coordinator has permitted you to come play on a holiday night in the original men’s night time slots - you may do so.
4.4 In the event that a team member is unable to participate in a particular Men's Night, you have the option to bring in a substitute (doesn’t have to be apart of our men's league) at a nominal fee of $40. The absent player will receive a credit for that week if the spot is successfully filled by a substitute.
5. LEAGUE PLAY: “The Rules”
5.1 All matches shall be played from your appointed tees based off your handicap. See below:
18-Hole Handicap Index:
1-6 = Silver Tees
7-19 = Blue Tees
20+ = White Tees
5.2 All matches will be played under Summer Rules, which means - Play it as it Lies.
5.3 Gimmes permitted inside standard 34” putter length from hole (rules will vary during playoffs).
5.4 Designated DROP AREAS, will be used on the par 3 holes only. You can PLACE the ball within the Drop Circle or outside the drop circle on a line to the previous shot back as far as you wish, no closer to the hole.
5.5 The MAXIMUM SCORE on any hole is 4 over par for the duration of the regular season play ONLY. A player may pick up on any hole and take a 4 over par score (please note you are responsible for recording your score as 4 over par on your scorecard. If you enter a score above that - that is how your score will be posted)
Option 1: Place the ball and re-hit from approximately the same spot as your last shot. (ADD 2 SHOTS)
Option 2: Place the ball in the fairway of approximately the full distance the ball traveled (ADD 2 SHOTS)
Option 1: Place the ball 2 club lengths from where the ball lies or the point of entry, no closer to the hole. ( ADD 1 SHOT)
Option 2: Keep the point of entry between yourself and the Flag and place the ball on this line, no closer to the hole, back as far as you want. (ADD 1 SHOT)
Option 3: Keep yourself between the point of entry and Your Last Shot and place the ball on this line, no closer to the hole, back as far as you want. (ADD 1 SHOT)
Point of Entry: The last point where the ball crossed playable golf course – before becoming unplayable, whether going out of bounds, lost, or in a hazard or wooded area. If the shot never crosses playable golf course then use option 1. If the player and the opponents disagree substantially where to spot the point of entry, it can be a compromised spot agreed to by both sides. Make a decision and GO!
Drop: In all “drop situations” where a penalty stroke is being added, you may Place the ball no closer to the hole and at least two clubs lengths from a green. Never on a green.
Unplayable Lie: A player at any time can declare his ball unplayable and use the 4-options rule.
5.7 If there are any RULES DISPUTES during a match a provisional ball can be played and the rules committee will make a decision. Committee decisions are final.
5.8 Scorecard Submissions. Your tee time of golfers for each league night are responsible for submitting your scorecard into the proshop after your assigned 9 holes. Each scorecard must clearly mark each golfers first initial, last name, tees played, and the total score for each participant. Scorecard writing must be legible for proshop staff. If you fail to complete any of the above - your score may not be counted and you will be ineligible for prizing.
6. RAINOUTS / LIGHTNING. If lightning is present, you are to immediately take the standard precautions prescribed for this condition. Rainouts will be determined by the club pro and/or the rules committee. Take cover if returning to the clubhouse is deemed unsafe. Gleneagles does not have a weather warning system or alarm. We allow participants to play in any condition and their decision to golf in inclement weather is at their own risk and discretion. The only time we wont allow participants out to play is if the course condition will be negatively affected, or if the course is not playable.
7. HOLE IN ONE / ACE INSURANCE. At the beginning of the season there is a fee of $10 that will be placed into a pot and paid out to anyone that makes a hole in one during their official men’s night 9. Since every week you are assigned either the front or back to play as your 9 holes that are scored - you must make the hole in one on that assigned 9 in order to be awarded the pot. The entirety of the pot is paid out to the first person to make a hole in one and once it is awarded - there will be no more insurance for the season. If you record a hole in one - A WITNESS MUST BE PRESENT. In the case that there are two or more people to make a hole in one on the same men’s night, the pot will be split evenly. Please note: Under certain circumstances - participants are allowed to golf prior to the allotted men’s night times and the same hole in one rules are applied to them as well.
8. PRIZING. There will be prizes awarded for each men’s night for a variety of accomplishments. Every week there will be a blog post on our website that will update the league participants on prize winners for the most recent league night. Prizes may not be exchanged unless the reward is clothing that we do not have your size in. All returns must be done through your appropriate league coordinator only.
8.1 DEUCE POTS. Each week there will be an optional 5 dollar fee that will all go into a pot. If you pay into said pot and you score a 2 on any hole of your men’s night scoring 9 for that night - you will split this pot with any other participant that scored a 2. The pot will be paid out in the form of a gift card for merchandise only. IMPORTANT: Your deuce must be circled on the scorecard in order to be eligible for prizing.
8.2 CLAIMING A PRIZE. You are responsible for claiming both prizes and/or deuce pots within 14 days of the weekly blog post being issued. If you fail to do so, the prize will not be rewarded and the money used to purchase that prize will go back into future prizing for the league. The men’s night blog posts may be found here:
9. CANCELLATION. Participants are responsible for cancelling their tee times within 6 hours of their booked tee time. Failure to do so may result in a non-refundable no-show fee. There is an exception to this rule that is dependant on inclement weather in which case you will not be charged. However, you must still notify the proshop you will not be attending that evening if you have booked a tee time.