League Standings

Rank Team Part/Season Points
1 Weapons of Grass Destruction 0 0
2 Bunk Boys 0 0
3 Dirty Baker Dozen 0 0
4 Fists of Furyk 0 0
5 GlenEagles Pros and Joes 0 0
6 Shankapotomuses 0 0
7 The Lofts 0 0
8 The Ocho 0 0

How teams accumilate points

Weekly Point Totals (lowest combined team score plus participants each week):
1st - 16 points
2nd - 14 points
3rd - 12 points
4th - 10 points
5th - 8 points
6th - 6 points
7th - 4 points
8th - 2 points
9th - 1 point